19 September 2006

Turlock: What a difference a K makes.

According to the on-line Urban Dictionary, a Turloc [sic] is “a fat person who never bathes and has a limited cognative ability. This person is usually quite stubborn and thinks that they are clever. A Turloc’s traits may also include an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to annoy the hell out of a selected person continuously without any hope of stopping."
Bill: “God that boy’s a turloc!”
Turloc: “I’m not a turloc! I use deodorent, iv no need to wash!””

And so, we at turdlock.com are ever so delighted about that very special "k" which is all that stands between us Turlockers and a bunch of fat, smelly idiots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a trapped turd myself, spiraling lazily counter clock wise around the bottom of the bowl known as Turdlock, I used to wonder: Why does Turdlock smell? Do I smell? And if I do is it because I am a turd? And am I turd because I am in Turdlock or is Turdlock what it is because of people like me? Is that why turdlock smells because of me?? Now I can sleep easier knowing that the stench of silage and poo is not me. Thanks for clearing this up, it's the TURDLOCS causing all the suffering, and blessed are those who walk in the shadow of ignorance for they are the chosen ones.

So sayeth The Velveteen Turd.
Response: Glory, Glory, Glory